Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ten things huh,

1.  I love budweiser
2.  I love rum (puerto rican and captain)
3. I have adhd and dyslexia
4. I love to make pretty things (paintings, etc)
5. I have a hard time reading (horizontal dyslexia)
6. Tyler is my brother from another mother
7. the movie blues brothers is the best "musical" ever!
8. i watched extremity close and incredibly loud last night and almost cried
9. l like some "shoot 'em up" movies too
10. i want to learn, when I'm on set i take in as mush as i can. but it is sometimes hard with so much going on. i want to learn how to make breath-taking visuals without losing sight of the story... btw i have three cats and two dogs and they tell me what to do!

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